The Atlas Travel Signature Compliancy Solution
For years, Travel Management Companies (TMCs), have preached that developing a well-defined travel policy was essential to control T&E costs. That's still true, but over the years many customers have shared with us that their #1 challenge is implementing a travel policy that employees will actually adhere to, even with strict policies in place. What’s more, companies struggle with providing flexibility within their travel programs to stay competitive in the marketplace. With this in mind, Atlas Travel Meetings & Incentives went to work on designing a program to increase travel policy compliance that benefited both the company AND the traveller.

The result was Travel Policy Plus, the first travel policy incentive program in the country.
Atlas Travel Meetings & Incentives recognizes that companies can choose to enforce strict T&E policies to achieve savings, but it's our belief that a reward system will guide behavior to achieve more desired results. The beauty of Travel Policy Plus is that our clients can implement a strict travel policy and also reward for the “gray areas” where choice is permitted.
What Travel Policy Plus can do:
- Maximize your travel spend budget
- Create and communicate travel policy incentive programs
- Forecast potential savings to justify your awards program
- Provide travelers’ personal scorecards to monitor travel compliance and areas of improvement
- Provide reports that show actual ROI
- Track and benchmark your travel policy compliance against other companies in your industry
- Reward and recognize compliant travel behavior

Where it began
Travel Policy Plus was first introduced to our client, Fast Search, in March 2004. The company's objective was to increase the 7-day advance booking percentage. At the time Travel Policy Plus was implemented, the 7-day advance compliance rate was 30.30%. Over the next seven months, we managed to increase the compliance rate to 46.88%. The 16.58% differential translated into savings of $30,000!! Once the award costs ($7,000) and promotion costs ($3,600) were deducted, the net savings to Fast Search was $19,400!
Since then, Atlas Travel Meetings & Incentives has continued to work with our clients to find ways to save the company thousands of dollars while rewarding travelers in the process.
Travel Policy Plus seems too good to be true.
Maybe, but it is true and your company can start saving even more on travel now by exploring this innovative program.
Atlas Travel Meetings & Incentives is offers free travel-policy assessments... there is no obligation, just potential for savings.